I hate how parenting has become a competition of who works the hardest and who does more of this or more of that. Which type of mom is more tired or has it the toughest. And by type I mean, single moms, stay at home moms, working mom's, mom's with nanny's. . .
Everyone works really hard, Parenting is hard no matter how you look at it and everyone struggles in different ways. Just remember we are all supposed to be there for one another. It's not a competition.
I've been a single mom, a working mom, and now I'm a stay at home mom, and there was never a time when I said to myself, "hey, things are so much easier this way." Being a single mom was hard. Being a working mom was hard. Staying at home is hard. And when I was working or a single mom and even now being at home, I always thought things were easier another way. Each one has it's perks, and each one also has it's downfalls.
Being a single mom is draining. There is no one there to help you when you've had enough. No spouse or partner to take over while you shower, or nap. The one thing I do miss about being a single mom is the one on one time my son and I had. It was just me and him and we followed our own routine and did what we wanted.
Staying at home is a blessing. I have the opportunity to see my children every single day, from the moment they wake up, to the moment they go to bed. I hear every story, and see everything they see. I know what they have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and if they are happy. I'm the one that gets to make it better if they aren't. But staying at home can be lonely and the things I sacrifice, the pieces of myself that get lost alone the way, can be truly difficult to overcome.
The truth is nothing will ever make this journey we are on any easier. It will be hard forever in different ways. From the moment we decided to become parents, we embarked on a lifelong journey to care for and raise another human being. We worry, all the time about whether or not we are doing it right. Are we making good choices? Will our children grow up to be good, successful, nice, honest people?
There were times, especially after my third baby was born, that I didn't even know who I was anymore. I couldn't think about anything except how I was going to get through the next hour. My days and nights merged together and I felt alone. Isolated. I wasn't me. I was this feeding machine. An exhausted feeding machine who couldn't even wear her own clothes or find time to apply just a little mascara. You would never have known this from looking at me, nor would I admit that I was drowning in my life.
My youngest is almost 18 months now and I've started to feel like myself again. I get a full night's sleep. I have a couple hours during the day when she naps to regroup, shower, write . . . and I can breathe. . . most days.
Looking back on the darker times, I feel proud of myself. I got through something I didn't think I could get through and I wasn't alone. Lot's of mom's go through what I went through and are afraid to admit they are struggling. It's because we judge, we feel we can't seek help for fear of judgment. And whether we work, stay at home, go it alone, breastfeed, don't breastfeed, we all have the same fears and struggles. We probably have the same goals. Be great parents. Love our children.
Stop comparing and don't judge. We are all doing the best we can. Offer support. A hug goes a really long way. Trust me. Not a stupid side hug. A real, long hug!
You're not a better mom because you rock your baby to sleep. You're not a bad mom because you have different parenting idea's then the strict mom down the street.
We are all just trying to survive being in the trenches of parenthood. Give each other a break.